Thursday, September 27, 2007


When we first arrived here in Costa Rica we had a orientation week. Needless to say I was really bored about the whole week. I just couldn't wait until classes would finally start and I wouldn't have to deal with sitting and listening to things I pretty much already knew from our first meeting with Grettel. But in the material of the orientation they talked about rip tides and how dangerous they are and how to get out of them if you do end up getting caught in one.

This past weekend we went on one of our paseos to Manuel Antonio... I suppose this playa is extremely well known for it's force and strength of waves and rip tides... So, the first day we were at the beach we went to this little cove area... the beach was absolutely beautiful it looked like a scene out of Pirates of the Caribean... it was nice. So, the first day was fun. The second day we went to the public beach (the first was in the nation park there in Manuel Antonio). The waves were amazing and we were way out there in the ocean body surfing and having fun. Then after one big wave came and pushed us Ryan (thank God he was with us) was like, "Okay guys we have to swim that way because we are in a Rip Tide." The wierd thing was I didn't believe him because I just didn't feel like we were in any kind of current. So, we started swimming... and I had been out in the ocean for a while so I was already tired as it was. So, I flipped over on my back and started swimming like that... and I just didn't feel like I was going anywhere... So I flipped back over and tried to touch the ocean floor and I couldn't. So, I flip back over onto my back and start going... My breathing was really heavy... the wierd thing was I was extremely calm... I actually had the thought that I might die at that moment... but I was okay with it... Anyway, I flip back over and there are these two surfer guys. The one helped Amanda on his board and the other got me on his. He kept on telling me to relax and it was funny becuase I truely was relaxed that was not the problem at all. So he started pulling me in the direction to get out of the rip tide and I was paddling too... but there came a point where I just couldn't anymore. All this time I was completly fine, I was not worried, or panicing, I was perfectly calm.. but I think the time when I saw the surfers helping us was when I realized that our situation was really serious... And when I got on the board and I was looking to the shore we were just so far out... I didn't realize how far out we were either. The rip tide really pulled us out and fast. So, finally we got to a point where I was able to touch and out of the rip tide and the guy was like, "Go ahead and get off, you can touch here and just walk up to the beach..." oh, and he was speaking in English... so I get of the board and was just like, "Gracious..." I mean what do you say to somebody who pretty much just saved your life?!?! So, I get up on shore... everyone was freaking out... because there were actually five of us that were caught in the rip tide. So, I dont' really remember anything from the time I got off the board til the time I got to my towel... I laid down... couldn't stand the sun... tried drinking... yelled at Laura for trying to spray me with sunscreen because I could NOT breath! I was exhausted, scared, and mortified all at once... So, Jen and Claudia started to go towards all the little shops along the beach and I wanted to go with them... but when I was walking I just felt like I needed to throwup... so I sat underneath this tree like a bum... for fifteen minutes... then I got up and went to this resturant and threw up six times in there bathroom. I have never thrown up for the fact of being so scared... It was bad...

So, my life was spared thank God... and the thing is while I was laying on my towel when I first got out I was thinking to myself... If I start feeling better I'm going right back out...

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